Thursday, August 14, 2008

Centeral Nervous System ((CNS))

Human body is a living biochemical laboratory composed of 4 types of tissues [epidermal, muscular, nervous and connective tissues]. CNS consists of nervous cells with various types and functions.CNS is responsible for important vital functions for human body. It is responsible for protection of  the body by performing reflex action, communicating with the others, learning , recalling for  past events (memory), understanding, responding to the external stimuli and so on .......  
Human being is different from any other living organism by his developed CNS, which makes him capable of controlling, developing and using, as he can, all the present elements in the environment to improve his life.
This system is the most complex one in the human body and understanding how it works is a very complicated task.

CNS consists of 2 types; they are Autonomic nervous system ((ANS)), which is involuntary, and Somatic nervous system ((SNS)), which is voluntary.
SNS is controlling the movement of the skeletal muscles and ANS is controlling the RATE of movement of the body internal parts such as heart rate, GIT [Gastrointestinal tract]
motility, eye pupil with different light intensities and other different organs.

  • CNS anatomically is divided into Medulla spinalis [Spinal cord] and Encephalon [Brain].
The division of brain is:
(1) Truncus Cerebri [Brain stem]: Mesencephalon (midbrain) and Rhombencephalon (hindbrain)
(2) Pronsecephalon: Diencephalon and Telencephalon.

Ventricular System:
It is a structure in the brain continuous with the cen
tral canal of the spinal cord.
-There are 4 ventricles:
ht and Left Lateral ventricle.
2-Third Ventricle.
3-Fourth Ventricle.

-Each Ventricle contain CHOROID PLEXUS, which produce CerebroSpinal Fluid (CSF) by modification of ependymal cells.
"Ependymal cells are epithelial membrane lining the ventricular system of the brain and spinal cord and it is one of 4 types of neuroglia in the CNS"1-posterior medullary velum
2-Choroid plexus
3-Cisterna cerebellodellaris of subarachnoid cavity
4-Central canal
5-Corpora quadrigemina
6-Cerabral peduncle
7- Anterior medullary
8-Ependymal lining of ventricle
9-Cisterna pontis of subarachnoid cavity
Arrow = Flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) through foramen of Magendie.